Good JuJu’s Yoga retreats’
Journey & Philosophy

My yoga journey started in a high school PE class many moons ago and then paused for a decade before picking it up again as a complement to other fitness pursuits. Immediately, I noticed an increase in flexibility, reduction of soreness, and decreased recovery time, but the most meaningful change I experienced was the changing relationship with my body and mind. For the first time ever, I appreciated my body and the physical practice became a moving meditation rather than a ‘workout’.

I enrolled in Asheville Yoga Center’s 230 hour certification during a particularly challenging time in my life as a vehicle for self study and not with the goal of teaching, but here I am 15 years later, learning from and loving every class I teach!

In January of 2020, my husband Eric and I opened Good JuJu Yoga Studio in Chapel Hill, NC, only to close our doors when COVID-19 came to town. Fortunately, I’d kept my job as a project manager and communicator in higher education, so I taught Zoom yoga classes for two years from my living room before and after work with hopes that the studio would survive. (Spoiler alert - it did not!)

Over the past 15 years, I’ve had the pleasure of creating a beautiful yoga community and that has changed my life in the very best way. It is time to expand the Good JuJu community with Good JuJu Yoga Retreats.

My professional experiences in project management, education, event planning, and communications help me create memorable yoga retreats in beautiful locations that will inspire your practice, and my experiences as a massage therapist and body worker help me create a safe environment for all yogis. Last, I believe the ancient practice of yoga still has relevance in today’s world; It is a serious pursuit that is best when combined with joy, compassion, and a supportive community.

With deep gratitude for the many students and teachers in my life, on and off the mat.

RYT 230
EYT (2 thousand + teaching hours)
Trained Professional Massage & Body therapist